Glasgow Airport Consultations


Glasgow Airport
Glasgow Airport

Glasgow Airport are undertaking a consultation regarding proposed changes to approach and departure flight paths and procedures arising from updates to air traffic control navigation systems due to take place in 2019. Dennistoun Community Council has been identified as a consultee.

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Regeneration of Former Bellgrove Abattoir and Meat Market Site

Former Abattoir and Meat Market Site off Duke Street and Bellgrove Street between Dennistoun and Collegelands
Former Abattoir and Meat Market Site off Duke Street and Bellgrove Street between Dennistoun and Collegelands

Interested in the regeneration of the former abattoir and meat market site off Duke Street and Bellgrove Street between Dennistoun and Collegelands? Then get along to Dennistoun Library on Thursday 14 December between noon and 8pm to find out about Glasgow City Deal plans to develop the site, with housing to be built in the first phase.

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100 Finlay Drive – Objection to Planning Application

100 Finlay Drive - Aerial View of Site Location
100 Finlay Drive – Aerial View of Site Location

On 15th November 2017, following extensive discussion with and between members of the public in attendance at the Dennistoun Community Council meeting held on 14th November, a letter of objetion to the planning application reference 17/02477/DC for 100 Finlay Drive was submitted. The below points were raised. The letter can be downloaded for viewing here.

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100 Finlay Drive – Planning Application

Birds Eye View of 100 Finlay Drive
Birds Eye View of 100 Finlay Drive

A planning application (Ref 17/02477/DC) has been submitted for the erection of a residential development of 31 flats (six storeys, eight parking spaces) at 100 Finlay Drive, Dennistoun, Glasgow G31 2RQ (‘Dennistoun Gospel Hall’, previously ‘Dennistoun Picture House‘). The applicant is Nixon Blue Ltd. The agent is Vellow Wood Architecture. Documents relating to this application (including design statement, drawings, and public comments) can be viewed here.

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Statement Regarding Former Golfhill Primary School Development

Site of Proposed Development of Former Golfhill School
Site of Proposed Development of Former Golfhill School

Tuesday 26th September 2017


Dennistoun Community Council would like to take this opportunity to clarify their position in relation to the proposed development at Golfhill School, Dennistoun by Barony Homes.

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Former Golfhill Primary School – Additional Information

Former Golfhill Primary School Proposal Infomation (extract)
Former Golfhill Primary School Proposal Infomation (extract)

Further to previously published information about the early stage proposals and public meeting regarding the former Golfhill School (which can be found here, and here), the Architect working on behalf of the Builder and Developer) made the following comment:

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Former Golfhill Primary School Early Proposals

Former Golfhill Primary School Proposal Leaflet (extract)
Former Golfhill Primary School Proposal Leaflet (extract)

Early stage proposals for the former Golfhill Primary School were made available at the public meeting held yesterday. An official planning application is due to be submitted in May.

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Places, People and Planning – Young People

Places People And Planning
Places People And Planning

The Scottish Government is keen to hear the views of children and young people on the proposals in Places, People and Planning which may directly affect them.  Working with YoungScot, a short online survey has been commissioned to seek views of children and young people on how the place where they live, work or go to school should change in the future. The survey can be accessed here:

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Former Golfhill Primary School Development

Site of Proposed Development of Former Golfhill School
Site of Proposed Development of Former Golfhill School

There will be a public meeting in relation to the development proposals for the former Golfhill School, as follows: Wednesday 5th April 2017 (12:00-19:00) at Milnbank Community Hall, 53 Ballindalloch Drive, G31 3DQ.

Continue reading Former Golfhill Primary School Development
